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Seminar Information

HOBY Texas Gulf Coast
2020 Seminar

Saturday, June 20 - Sunday, June 21 

Virtual Seminar

Registration is OPEN!

We are still accepting registrations for the 2019 HOBY TGC Leadership Seminar.

Register Your Future Leader TODAY!

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If you need assistance registering your student for the 2020 seminar, please contact

Registration details

You will need your HOBY school ID and password to register your student. If you do not have or remember your school ID or password, you may request them at the registration site above or contact us at


In September 2019, the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership’s sophomore selection packets were sent to more than 22,000 public and private high schools across America. The goal for the 2020 Seminar Year is to have 10,000 student ambassadors attend leadership seminars throughout the nation!  For the 2020 Texas Gulf Coast seminar, we are expecting over 200 OUTSTANDING high school sophomores to join us for an exhilarating, fun-filled, and educational weekend.


Our purpose is to teach you how to think, not what to think.


Leadership seminars are designed to prepare our country’s high school sophomores to become effective, ethical leaders in their homes, schools, workplaces and communities.


Each year, selected high school students from across the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Korea, Taiwan, Israel, Iraq, Turkey and other nations around the world attend local seminars.


Improve critical thinking skills

By presenting multiple viewpoints on important issues, HOBY encourages the HOBY ambassador to evaluate all issues from a critical perspective.

enhanced leadership skills

HOBY’s question-and-answer format, small group discussions, hands-on service learning experiences, and assumption of leadership roles will enable HOBY ambassadors to better understand leadership and begin to identify their own particular leadership strengths. Sessions with specific leadership themes, keynote speakers, and leadership simulation games and exercises complement their individual understanding.

Better understanding of the democratic process

Discussions on democracy, free enterprise, volunteerism, and community service are facilitated during the HOBY seminar.

Developing goal-setting skills

All aspects of the HOBY leadership seminar are geared towards encouraging each ambassador to see leadership, community involvement and volunteerism as life long goals worth pursuing. During the seminar, we provide them the tools they need create actionable steps to help ensure they know how to actually plan out and achieve a goal successfully. At the conclusion of the HOBY seminar, ambassadors are encouraged to identify personal goals and make a commitment to achieve at least one within the six months that follow.

Realizing the importance of leadership

As part of our commitment to the President's Summit For America’s Future, HOBY ambassadors are challenged to complete a minimum of 100 hours of volunteer service annually. HOBY’s Leadership For Service program encourages young adults to give back through community service.

Interactive Panel Format

The dominant learning vehicle used at HOBY Seminars is the small group discussion sessions with peers. At each session, three to four panelists with divergent viewpoints are chosen to emphasize the critical thinking component of leadership:



leadership training

Introspective opportunities to think about yourself as a leader

Modeling or demonstration of leadership by the panelists and keynote speakers

Practice leadership competencies

Sessions with specific leadership themes

Leadership games and simulation activities


The actual teaching of leadership skills are components of HOBY’s leadership seminars.

Seminar Themes

Undoubtedly, the future poses numerous circumstances for which strong, ethical leadership will be essential. Therefore, during the seminar, HOBY requires that all U.S. leadership seminars present the following five specific themes:

Democratic system and entrepreneurship

A basic understanding of profit, competition, and the democratic process that provides citizens with incentives — economic and otherwise.


Education is indispensable to the quality of our society. It is basic to our country’s infrastructure and to the ability of many communities to attract business and industry. Education will dictate how well we shall compete globally in the future.

Leadership for service

Volunteerism has always been a part of the HOBY experience. Service to others is essential in becoming an effective leader. It promotes community involvement and provides a better understanding of the communities around us.


Modern media undeniably impacts our daily lives, be it at home, work, or in the economy. Recent advances in the way people communicate represent nothing less than a technological revolution.

Future of our society

This topic covers questions and answers that will impact the lives of HOBY ambassadors, as well as those of family, business communities, and the country. This session focuses on issues which could be major contributors to the future success of our society.


Although most of the weekend will consist of seminar sessions, there will also be an opportunity to socialize and meet new people.


You will learn about HOBY alumni clubs and chapters. There are various opportunities for volunteering in the community as well as continuing education opportunities available to HOBY participants.


HOBY is proudly endorsed by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.


For more information on receiving leadership seminar registration materials, please contact us.

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Jordan Mulkey

Director of Recruiting


Kobe Flemming

Leadership Seminar Chairperson


Andrew Moreno 

HOBY TGC Corporate Board President



Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership — Texas Gulf Coast Seminar
 P.O. Box 53, Houston, TX 77001
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