How You Can Support HOBY TGC
HOBY Texas Gulf Coast is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our annual seminars are made possible through the support of our Texas Gulf Coast community. We are 100% volunteer-run and our seminar is mostly funded through sponsorships, gift-in-kind donations, and cash donations.
Make a Gift-in-Kind Donation
If you would prefer to make a gift-in-kind donation instead of a monetary donation, there are many ways for you to contribute.
The following is our current gift-in-kind wish list. If you can help out by donating any of the following items, please let us know! If you have a great idea that's not listed we'd love to hear about it! You can contact our Corporate Board President at president@hobytgc.org.
Storage Space
For “HOBY Garage” – i.e. all of our supplies for running the seminar.
Printing Services
Seminar Program Book
Promotional Mailings
Fundraising Flyers
Seminar Worksheets
Ambassador & Volunteer Certificates
Photo Printing
Seminar T-Shirts
Enough for ~230 ambassadors and ~75 volunteers
Name Tags
Lanyards + plastic badge holders
Transportation to off-site projects
2 meals to feed ~300 people
1 dinner to feed ~75 volunteers
Multiple snacks to feed ~300 people
Drinks (water, tea, soda, gatorade, etc) for ~300 people
ALL food must be pre-packaged and/or prepared in a professional kitchen
Posterboard + markers
Pre-made “HOBY TGC” signs
Seminar Welcome Bags
Totes/Drawstring/Backpacks for ~230 students
Writing Utensils
Pens or Pencils for ~230 ambassadors
…and much more!
Shop For HOBY!
There are a few ways to shop for HOBY through your every day shopping! These are ways you can make contributions to HOBY TGC with no additional cost to you.
Sponsorship Levels
At HOBY TGC, we want to make sure that all of our corporate sponsors and individual donors are recognized appropriately! We currently recognize sponsors according to the following sponsorship levels for both cash and gift-in-kind contributions.
INNOVATOR ($3000+)
Full-Page ad on the back cover of the Seminar Program Book and listed on sponsorship page
Logo on HOBY TGC website
Logo prominently featured on the back of Seminar T-Shirts
Sole promotion on all HOBY TGC Social Media outlets
Special acknowledgement during the seminar, including during Parent Program/Closing Ceremony
MOTIVATOR ($1,000+)
Full-Page ad in the Seminar Program Book and listed on sponsorship page
Logo on HOBY TGC website
Logo on back of Seminar T-Shirt
Sole promotion on all HOBY TGC Social Media outlets
Special acknowledgement during the seminar, including during Parent Program/Closing Ceremony
HOBY HUG ($500+)
1/2 Page logo in the Seminar Program Book and listed on sponsorship page
Logo on HOBY TGC website
Group promotion on all HOBY TGC Social Media outlets
Name listed on sponsorship page in the Seminar Program Book
Name listed on HOBY TGC website
Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor Program

You can support us through Kroger's Neighbor to Neighbor Program. Simply download and print this form and take it with you to Kroger. Your Kroger Plus card and the form will be scanned and you'll start contributing towards HOBY TGC!
Profit Sharing

We've also hosted several profit sharing days with businesses throughout the Texas Gulf Coast area. In the past few years, we've had the opportunity to host several events with Kendra Scott at various locations.