Gift-in-kind Donations
Both at the seminar and throughout the year, there are many different items that we need to help host our annual seminar. If you would prefer to make a gift-in-kind donation instead of a cash donation, there are many ways for you to make a contribution.
The following is our current gift-in-kind wish list. If you can help out by donating any of the following items, please let us know! If you think you have a great idea that's not listed, we'd love to hear about it!
Contact our Corporate Board President at president@hobytgc.org
gift-in-kind donation wish list
Storage Space
For “HOBY Garage” – i.e. all of our supplies for running the seminar.
Printing Services
Seminar Program Book
Promotional Mailings
Fundraising Flyers
Seminar Worksheets
Ambassador & Volunteer Certificates
Photo Printing
Seminar T-Shirts
Enough for ~230 ambassadors and ~75 volunteers
Name Tags
Lanyards + plastic badge holders
Transportation to off-site projects
2 meals to feed ~300 people
1 dinner to feed ~75 volunteers
Multiple snacks to feed ~300 people
Drinks (water, tea, soda, gatorade, etc) for ~300 people
ALL food must be pre-packaged and/or prepared in a professional kitchen
Posterboard + markers
Pre-made “HOBY TGC” signs
Seminar Welcome Bags
Totes/Drawstring/Backpacks for ~230 students
Writing Utensils
Pens or Pencils for ~230 ambassadors
…and much more!