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Frequently Asked Questions from Student Ambassadors and Parents

We get asked a lot of questions about our Leadership Seminars from both parents and students. You will find answers to commonly asked questions below. If you don't find your question here, please contact us. You can download a printable version of this FAQ here.

Q. Where will the seminar be held?

A. The seminar will take place at the University of Houston.


Q. When will the seminar be held?

A. Seminar participants may check-in any time between 7:00 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. on Friday, June 7, 2019. The seminar will begin with Ambassador Orientation on Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. and conclude with Closing Ceremonies on Sunday, which will be complete at 1:00 p.m.


Q. Where should I go when I arrive?

A. Ambassador check-in/drop-off will be in front of Moody Towers at the University of Houston. A map will be included in the “Last Minute Instructions” prior to the seminar. Signs will be posted to help you find the location and HOBY volunteers will greet you and check you in.


Q. What kind of program is planned?

A. During your HOBY Leadership Seminar, many dynamic leaders—all volunteers from the fields of business, education, government, and other professions—will address aspects of our changing world and the challenges future leaders will confront. The program will not promote any specific political party, religion, or way of thinking, but is designed to develop critical thinking skills by actively involving participants in discussions and informal debate.


During the seminar, ambassadors will engage in community service and be encouraged to perform at least another 100 hours of service throughout the rest of the year to make a difference in their schools, communities, places of worship, or other environments where they see a need. The program also includes outstanding speakers, leadership activities, social events, and a special closing ceremony to which parents are invited and encouraged to attend.


Q. Is there a parents program that I/my parents can attend?

A. There will a parents program and awards ceremony on Sunday, June 9. Details on location and timing will be in the last minute packet.


Q. Will there be religious services?

A. Services will be available through an optional ambassador-led non-denominational service on Sunday morning. Due to the tight schedule, we cannot accommodate any off-campus services.


Q. What should I wear at the seminar?

A. Dress is summer casual for Friday. Saturday morning will include an outdoor service project so ambassadors should bring closed-toe shoes and clothing appropriate for working outside. Ambassadors will be given a HOBY t-shirt to wear on Saturday. Dress for the Sunday closing ceremony is business casual. Bring a jacket or sweatshirt to make sure that you are comfortable in air-conditioned rooms.


NO tank tops, mid-drift shirts, short-shorts, and no clothing with any inappropriate images/statements. Bring optional theme clothes to wear to our fun Friday night Social. You'll find out the theme in the “Last Minute Instructions” that you will receive prior to the seminar.


Q. If I was not selected by my school to attend HOBY, but I really want to attend anyway, can I?

A. Yes. You can apply for the HOBY Community Nomination Program through​ the HOBY International website. You will be responsible for paying the $395 registration fee if your student is accepted.


Q. I went to HOBY last year (2018).  Can I come back again this year?

A. HOBY alumni are eligible to volunteer the seminar as members of the Junior Staff.  For more information and how to submit a Junior Staff application, please email our Director of Junior Staff,



Q. Can an ambassador leave and come back to the seminar to tend to another obligation?

A. No. Ambassadors must be present for the entire HOBY seminar, including overnight. If this is not possible, please let us know.


Q. What if I am unable to attend the seminar?

A. If circumstances arise that prevent you from attending the entire seminar, including overnight, we would like to give another student the opportunity to attend. Please return these forms to the person at your school who selected you and follow up with a call to Dave Rubin at (281) 685-1295.



Q. What transportation arrangements have been made?

A. You are responsible for your transportation to and from the seminar. Please include all details of your itinerary in the Pre-Seminar Materials forms that have been (or will be) sent to you. If you have last minute transportation problems up to June 7, please notify Audri Reyna at (281) 739-6161.


HOBY TGC will provide transportation to any events that occur during the seminar external to the University of Houston.



Q. What are the accommodations like?

A. Ambassadors are assigned to suite-style dorm rooms with four ambassadors per suite (two per room). Ambassadors are required to bring all blankets, sheets, pillows, towels, and toiletries.


Q. A friend of mine is also attending HOBY.  Can we stay in the same dorm room?

A. As ambassadors of your school and community, we encourage you to make the most of your encounters with ambassadors from other schools and communities within our region, learning from their experiences and sharing your own. With this in mind, we will arrange for you to have room-/suite-mates from other schools. Don’t worry, you’ll have time to see your friends during the weekend!


Q.  Is food provided?

A. All ambassadors will receive nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. On the Medical History Records Form, please indicate any special dietary considerations, including vegetarianism, so we can ensure that all ambassadors are provided for. â€‹Please note that breakfast is not provided on arrival day and lunch is not provided at the closing ceremony on Sunday. Please plan accordingly.



Q. What if I need to take medication while I am at the seminar?

A. Please provide information about your medication on the Medical History Records Form and fill out the Medication Verification Form and send it back to us or bring it with you to the seminar (documents are included in this form set). Make sure to read and comply with the Policy for Use of Medication During a HOBY Event.



Q. Who pays for the seminar?

A. The HOBY registration fee is paid for by schools or parents. All funding for meals, lodging, and printed materials have been generously provided by sponsors throughout our state, including businesses, foundations, individuals, and service organizations wishing to support leadership education. If you are interested in donating or supporting our organization, you can information on how to do so here:



Q. What communications will I receive from HOBY TGC prior to the seminar?

A. Each ambassador will receive an email from the HOBY TGC Director of Recruitment with a request to complete the Pre-Seminar Materials forms.


In addition, each ambassador will also receive a phone call from their (adult) team facilitator by the end of May. Your team facilitator will review with you information you need for the seminar and will answer any other questions you have about the seminar.


Q. If necessary, how may I be contacted during the seminar?

A. Parents, friends, and family members are discouraged from calling ambassadors during the seminar to avoid disruption to panels and activities. In case of emergency, parent(s) or guardian may call the Leadership Seminar Chairperson, Dave Rubin, at (281) 685-1295. The seminar is chaperoned by qualified adults who remain at the facility the entire weekend.


Q. Who may I contact if I have additional questions?

A. Additional questions or concerns should be directed to the HOBY TGC Leadership Seminar Chair, Dave Rubin, at (281) 685-1295 or



With your parent or guardian, carefully review, complete and sign the forms in this set by Friday, May 17, 2019.  

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